
Alpine Ragwort (3)

Senecio amplectens

Showy Alpine Ragwort
Senecio amplectens var. amplectens (Ligularia amplectens)

Family: Sunflower (Asteraceae)
AKA: Daffodil Senecio, Alpine Groundsel
Photo taken on: July 21, 2006
Location: Crested Butte Mountain, CO
Life Zones: Subalpine to alpine
Habitat: Scree, forest clearings

Grows very upright to 2ft with large nodding flowers. Phyllaries are dark-tipped.

Flora of North America reference.;

Holm's Ragwort
Senecio amplectens var. holmii (Ligularia holmii)

Family: Sunflower (Asteraceae)
AKA: Alpine Senecio
Photo taken on: July 28, 2015
Location: Mirror Lake, Tincup, CO
Life Zones: Subalpine to alpine
Habitat: Scree, meadows

Grows 2" to 12" (these are 4") with thick, purplish-tinged  leaves and drooping lemon yellow flowers. Phyllaries are light green or purplish.

Flora of North America reference.

Senecio soldanella

Colorado Ragwort
Senecio soldanella (Ligularia soldanella)

Family: Sunflower (Asteraceae)
AKA: Purple Leaved Senecio
Photo taken on: July 23, 1999
Location: West Maroon Pass, GV, CO
Life Zones: Alpine
Habitat: Rocky areas, talus

Grows to 6". Easily differentiated from other Senecios by the purplish-green, spoon-shaped leaves.

Flora of North America reference.

Yellow Single Flowers